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The divine Caligine

Photographic work
Title: THE DIVINE CALIGINE, year 2020
Size: 120 x 200cm
Metalprint, chromaluxe, certified

Where there is darkness, it makes what is exceedingly resplendent shine, and in the completely untouchable and invisible place, it fills sightless intelligences with stupendous splendors. This is my prayer




What is it the Divine Caligine

Super-divine and super-good supersubstantial Trinity, guardian of the divine wisdom of Christians.
There where the simple and absolute and immutable mysteries of theology are hidden in the MIST.
Very bright with the silence that teaches arcanely; Mist which makes that which is most splendid shine in a superior manner in the utmost darkness, and which exuberantly fills intelligences deprived of EYES, of marvelous splendors, in complete intangibility and invisibility.
Let this be my prayer; with a very careful exercise regarding mystical contemplations, he abandons the senses and intellectual operations, all of them.
Sensible and intelligible things, all things that are not and those that are, and in full ignorance, reach out, as far as possible, Towards union with him who surpasses all being and knowledge.
Through this irrepressible tension and absolutely released from yourself and from all things, removing everything and freed from everything, you will be able to be elevated towards the supersubstantial ray of divine darkness.

Mystical theology of Dionysius Areopagite
( TO TIMOTHY – Dionysius Areopagite)

In dialogue between the theologian Alessandro d’Angelo and Barbara Pigazzi

Unpredictable, unexpected appeared like a dawn, at the edge of my heart.
I saw you rise on the horizon.
Impossible, unattainable for me:
“Maybe it’s just a reflection of light that passes beyond the walls of the heart.”
I said to myself, that night.

Yet beyond the blue light it advanced towards me, attractive, a paradise in my eyes,
It’s you.
I’m here with tears that wet the dried earth of my soul.

Alessandro told me: Barbara, think that Moses, with his suggestions, visions, dreams and hallucinations, brought the people of Israel out of Egypt…
He was even a stutterer and a hearer of voices…

Put your gift at the service of humanity, which is to communicate the flavor of life through the language of photography (April 13, 2020 A.D.)

Dear photography love

On this page you can find the series of Animica Art that the artist Barbara Pigazzi exhibits on the Animica Art Portraits website.

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