A personal exhibition that is made up of two different projects, the result of Pigazzi’s artistic evolution who arrives at this Milanese event strong with a new Aesthetic and Expressive awareness.
At the Kryptos space in Milan also the artist’s first short film entitled “NON ESSERCI” with the performance of the curator Interlenghi and the musical production of Luca Spaggiari, leader of FARGAS for PRIVATE STANZE.
An experimental work produced in 2020, during the pandemic; on the theme of abandonment, through the performative action of a body that becomes the bearer of universal instances: Love, Pain, Vulnerability and the poignant profound Beauty that fragility is capable of revealing.
Made in the southern lagoon, between the province of Padua and Venice, in the Saccisica area, a UNESCO heritage site, the place of origin of the author Barbara Pigazzi, with the collaboration of the Municipalities of Codevigo and Arzergrande.
Works in the krypto space: Special guest the wonderful Francesca Cavallin
The inauguration of the exhibition took place in the midst of the pandemic, (a historic moment in the world) in the Red area of Milan, therefore the anti-COVID rules were followed.
We did a live broadcast from the gallery, the guest present at the inauguration was the actress Francesca Cavallin, of which one of her portraits was present at the exhibition.

What they say about us at the exhibition, Through the shadow and the soul
We bring you with great pleasure the journalistic dissemination work that the most important sites in the artistic sector have published.
1. Exibart
«An exhibition that is certainly a landing point but also a new starting point for the artist. After years spent in an exhausting search for herself, Pigazzi is finally ready to shift the discussion from herself to the Other, remaining faithful to her own stylistic code but with a gaze that somehow broadens, contemplating other horizons: the Other precisely . This is not a question of telling one’s personal diary through images but rather of exploring, through these women, themes of universal scope: love and pain, abandonment and vulnerability. The poignant profound beauty that fragility is capable of revealing.” Francesca Interlenghi, curator
by Barbara Pigazzi
Link: www.exibart.com
2. Video interview on Exibart TV
Two projects make up the photographic exhibition. On the upper floor of the gallery are portraits of women, some large. Intimate, deep, penetrating portraits. Women captured in their naked essence, in all their fragile and resilient beauty, painful and generative at the same time. A meticulous and personal investigation by the artist, which manifests itself forcefully in the total contrast between black and white. With the aim of bringing out the emotional element of human nature clearly.
Link: ilfotografo.it
4. Article Print MAGAZINE – ARTSLIFE
Francesca Interlenghi once again talks about the artist’s work in the critical text that accompanies the exhibition. “After years spent in an exhausting search for herself, Pigazzi is finally ready to shift the discussion from herself to the Other, remaining faithful to her own stylistic code but with a gaze that somehow broadens, contemplating other horizons: the Other precisely”. This translation occurs in an intangible way, it is the senses that connect the synesthetic vision that goes alongside the shots, a vision, among other things, that has no subjective reverberation, but rather attempts, and succeeds, to connect a common thread with a choral exploration and which, through the multiple female presence, focuses on “universal themes: love and pain, abandonment and vulnerability. The poignant profound beauty that fragility is capable of revealing.”
Link: artslife.com
5. Article Print MAGAZINE – NOIDONNE
On the upper floor of the gallery are a series of portraits of women, some large: intimate, profound, penetrating works. Women captured in their naked essence, in all their fragile and resilient beauty, painful and generative at the same time. A meticulous and personal investigation by the artist, which is forcefully manifested in the total contrast between black and white which aims to clearly bring out the emotional element of human nature.
On the lower floor it is possible to watch the screening of the artist’s first short film, “Nonsistenza”. An experimental work, not of a narrative nature, which uses moving images to investigate the theme of abandonment through the declaring action of a body that becomes a messenger of subjective instances and collective problems. The rarefied poetics of the place, located in the Venice lagoon and included among those belonging to the UNESCO world heritage site, is counterpointed by the sparse and minimal accent of the music of Luca Spaggiari, leader of Fargas who, for the independent record label Private Stanze, created the soundtrack.
Link: www.noidonne.org